Action Resolution

Singularity uses the original Feedback game mechanic. The outcomes of attempted actions are determined by rolling the dice and comparing it to the relevant Adaptation score. The Adaptations are quantified in arabic numerals from 1 to 6, see the Characters section. Some other characteristics (such as Function levels and Resources) are quantified in roman numerals, usually from 0 to V (even though the Romans never had 0). These scores determine the level of success.

Action resolution in works like this:
  • 1. Roll a six sided die and compare the result to the relevant Adaptation.

  • 2. Relevant Adaptation Score >= D6 roll means success. (If the roll is equal to or lesser than the score, it succeeds. Please note that it is only the roll which succeeds, to see whether the attempted action succeeds more rolls need to be made.)

  • 3a. If you have succeeded, roll again, using the number you rolled before as the new target number.

  • 4a. Repeat step 3a until you fail. Each success increases the initial success level by I in the difficulty scale.

  • 3b. If you have failed, roll again, using the number you rolled before as the new target number.

  • 4b. Repeat step 3b until you succeed. Each failure decreases the initial success level by I in the difficulty scale.

  • 5. If the character has a Function or skill applicable to the action, than the initial success level is equal to the level of that skill. If there is no applicable skill, than the initial success level is obviously 0 (unskilled).

Task Difficulty Scale:

Level of Success Required  

Action Resolution Notes
  • A success level below 0 (unskilled) is a critical failure.
  • Please note that difficulty levels above IV (authority) should rarely, if ever, be used in the game. Since most characters (and normal people) have skills in the 0-III range. Superhuman levels are mostly academic.
  • Someone with an expert level (III) skill will succeed in an amateur (I) task even when he rolls 2 failures before succeeding. Likewise, someone with an amateur level (I) skill can fail an expert difficulty (III) task even if he rolls 2 successes. He needs 3 of them.
  • Use the Adaptation rating that makes most sense. Functions etc. are not linked to a single Adaptation.
  • If the open ended action resolution system produces ridiculous results (even though this is unlikely), use common sense to decide the outcome. No untrained person can program an AI from scrap. Singularity is supposed to be realistic, not like a Hollywood movie or a Japanese cartoon. On the other hand, in 2031 interfaces are better, technological devices are easier to use, and many complex devices have low-level AIs and operating systems. So it is not impossible for an unskilled person to fly a helicopter, for example, if he can figure out how to run and command the AI.

Example - Basic Action Resolution
Miyuki decides to improve her pet robot's AI. This is a Difficulty: II (professional) task, the GM decides. She is a Robotics Engineer (II- professional) and this applies to the task at hand. Ingenuity is the most suitable adaptation so she has a 4 in 6 chance of upgrading the AI to medium level. After 1 week of programming after work hours, her player rolls 5, followed by another 5. This gives Miyuki a Level:I (amateur) success. Not good enough. GM decides that she needs a reference book to solve the problem. The difficulty to find the reference is I (amateur). The player rolls to Miyuki's Interaction(3) (she has to instruct the company's librarian AI correctly to get the results) using her Resources (III- R&D Engineer) to determine the level of success. The result is 6, which means failure, but for the next roll, it gives an automatic success (rolling against 6 always succeeds). So Miyuki gets a level II Resources success, which is enough to get the reference. She attempts to program it again during the weekend. The player rolls 2-1-4 (expert) and Miyuki succeeds.

Opposed Actions
When two characters are trying to succeed against each other, both sides should declare what they are trying to do, and roll for success. The character who rolls the higher success level wins. They should roll again if the result is a tie.

Example - Opposed Actions
Miyuki [Martial Artist:Kendo- I(amateur), Instict-3(normal)] is training for a black belt in Kendo with her sensei (Martial Artist:Kendo- II(professional), Instict-3(normal)). Combat starts, Miyuki's player rolls a 2 followed by a 4, which gives Miyuki an amateur (I) success. The sensei rolls a 3 followed by a 6, a professional (II) success. The sensei wins, scoring a point. For the next round, Miyuki's player rolls a 2 followed by a 5, which gives Miyuki an amateur (I) success. The sensei rolls a 6. No need to roll, again, this gives him an amateur (I) success. This is draw. The fight continues with Miyuki's player rolling 3-3-2-6, for an expert (III) success. The sensei rolls a 1 followed by a 5, a professional (II) success. Miyuki wins and scores against his sensei.

There is no special rules mechanic for combat. A hit location table is supplied to help the GM in determining damage effects, and to add unpredictibility.

D6 Roll
Hit Location  
Critical (major blood vessel, nerve centre, etc.)  

Once the hit location is determined damage effects should be easy to come up with. These mostly depend on the weapon being used. Being shot in the head with a normal calibre handgun normally causes death, but a punch causes stun maybe. Use Instinct checks to simulate shock effects. Aimed shots are allowed, GM decides the difficulty level. Combat should be bloody, unpredictable and disturb the environment and the bystanders, should not be clean and computer-game-like, affecting only the players and their targets.


Copyright Notice
This entire document and all contents is Copyright © 2001, by Gizem Forta. Permission to duplicate for personal use is granted. You must receive explicit permission from the author (email: to use this game and any portion therein for public use, such as publication or convention play.